Friday, April 29, 2011

I Just Worked Out... Now What Should I Eat? (If Anything At All?!?!)

DISCLAIMER:  You probably are already aware if you are eating a healthy diet and getting enough calories to support your activity level.... if so, rely on your own appetite and your own energy level tell you whether you need to eat anything after exercise and what it should be.   Point being, don't eat after your workout if you aren't hungry.
However, if you are eating and exercising for weight loss or for maintenance, you need to know what your calories out and what your calories in are... The bottom line for healthy weight loss and fitness sounds simple: You have to eat fewer calories than you use up  —  but not fewer than your body needs to function at its best.
Click on the link below and read this blog post I did about calories in/calories out... there is also an app listed on that blog to help you track your calories:

With that said, the size, timing, and content of your after exercise meal or snack can play an important role in your energy levels for the rest of your day as well as how well your body recovers and rebuilds after your workout, and whether the calories you eat will be used as fuel or stored as fat. Here is what you need to eat and drink to get the results you want!
  1. HYDRATION:  Moderate exercise will cause you lose about 1 quart of fluid.  After and during your workout you should consume 16-20 ounces of liquid.  I prefer water mixed with a powerful green powder called Inner Light:  I have tried a ton of green drinks and I find this one the most palatable and refreshing!  I feel energized while drinking it!! 
  2. FOOD:  Try to eat something that is no more than 1/2 of the calories s you burned during your workout. So if you burned about 600 calories during your workout, try to eat 300 calories afterward. Don’t worry about undoing the calorie-burning  benefits of your workout — that’s not how weight loss works. As long as you’re eating within your recommended caloric intake range, you are on the right path.
    • You NEED carbs!!  Contrary to popular belief, your body needs more carbs than protein after a workout!!  You need to replace the glycogen (muscle fuel) that you used up and that you need to let your muscles recover and come back stronger!  Moderate exercisers need about 30-40 grams of carbohydrates after an hour of exercise, but high-intensity exercisers need more — around 50-60 grams for each hour they exercised.
    • Even though the carbs are so important, high quality protien is, too. Protein will stop your body from utilizing muscle tissue for energy and initiate the process of rebuilding and repairing your muscles. Around 25 percent of the calories you eat after a workout should come from a quality, high protein source — that’s about 10-15 grams for most people.  High quality means things like nuts, protein powder (without artificial sugar), lean meat and fish... it doesn't mean chicken nuggets!!
If your appetite or schedule doesn’t let or allow you to eat a meal right after your exercise session, don’t      stress out about it. You can still replace the nutrients that you need during the next 24 hours, as long as you’re eating enough food to support your activity level. If you can, have a smaller snack that contains carbs and protein as soon after exercise as possible. Liquids like smoothies, shakes, or chocolate milk, and/or energy bars can be especially effective snacks after a workout.
  • Here are some ideas for POST WORKOUT FOODS: 
    • MY FAVE: Trader Joe's Force Primeval Bars These are whole wheat, little loaves of bread with raisins, walnuts, apples and honey!  MMM-mmmm!!
    • Smoothie with yogurt, fruit and protien (See my smoothie recipe at the bottom of this link):
    • Nuts!  Nut Butters on bread! Nuts have magnesium, which we lose when we sweat... so nuts make a great ,great snack!
    • Cereal with milk (hot or cold cereal!)
    • Protien bars or shakes
    • A Sandwich!!  Use lean protein:  turkey, chicken, fish (lox... yum!).
    • Eggs
    • Believe it or not... CHOCOLATE MILK!!
    • Fruit and yogurt
If you have any questions or additions to the post, please let me know!!  Thanks to Atlanta News and Sports for their information!!

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