Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Stretches for Cyclists (and Spinners and EVERYONE!)

My asssistant cycling coach, Stacey Kramer, was having terrible pain right where her glute and hamstrings meet. She was getting very concerned as the pain progressed and i was worried for her!  She scoured the interent and ran across his link that seemed to hit a chord with her  She has since been stretching using the stretches prived and, to her happiness, has seen some improvement!!
This is the article that really helped Stacey out and maybe it will help you as well!
Stretches for Cyclists
Increase your flexibility—and improve your cycling—with these stretches

ByJoe Lindsey
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These yoga poses from Dave Farmar, a Baptiste Vinyasa power yoga instructor and mountain biker from Denver, are strength moves that double as stretches to warm up. You'll need a soft surface or yoga mat, a foam support block, and a strap or latex resistance band. Hold each pose for five to 10 breaths (about 30 seconds), remembering to breathe through your nose. After you reach the proper position, concentrate on improving it with each inhalation—flatten your back a little more, stretch your hamstrings a tiny bit farther.

1. Downward-facing dog

Start on hands and knees. Lift hips into an upside-down V-shape, keeping palms on the floor. "Bend your knees if necessary," says Farmar. "Don't focus on putting your heels on the ground, but rather on flattening your back."

Works: Lengthens back muscles and hamstrings, for more power on the pedal backstroke

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