Monday, November 14, 2011

Why Should We Avoid (or limit) Sugar? PLUS A Simple Detox Plan To Follow From Dr. Oz!!

We have all, or most of us, been using white sugar all of our lives.  What makes it bad for us? It's made up of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen... organic right?  These occur naturally in plants, including vegetables and fruits.  But there is a difference in the sugar that is in plants and the sugar that is in granulated sugar and also that is in high fructose corn syrup.  The difference is that both of those is that they go through a refining process, which depletes any nutritive value and, in the case of the high fructose corn syrup, is concentrated in nature.  These are called "empty calories" because they offer no nutritive value in any way shape or form!

Here is a list of some reasons WHY we should avoid refined sugars:
  1. Raises blood sugar levels
  2. Can raise the risk of obesity
  3. Is highly addictive
  4. In excess amounts can suppress immune system
  5. Can create the urge to eat MORE
  6. Possibly ages the skin
  7. Raises triglycerides (can raise the risk of heart attacks)
  8. Some studies indicate a link with certain types of cancer 
  9. Takes the place of us eating healthier, wiser choices
  10. Women who drink one sugar-sweetened beverage each day have almost twice the risk of diabetes.

Here is a great video with Dr. Oz discussing addiction to sugar and similar carbs:

Give it a try.. see what you think!!  

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