Monday, January 10, 2011

Leg Cramps

A few people have asked me what they can do if they get a cramp in their calf muscle and how they can avoid them.  There are 3 possible causes of leg/calf cramping:
1- Not enough potassium in your diet.  Try eating a banana once a day.  Add a baked potato to your list of carbs...
2-  You may be dehydrated!  Drink plenty of fluids!  I read a study that said that on cooler and colder days we tend to be more dehydrated than on warm or hot days.  We are less compelled to drink our water when it is cold outside and therefore tend to be a bit more dehydrated in the winter.  The summer's hot sun is a constant reminder to drink, but when the sun is hiding... don't forget to hydrate!!!
3-  Not enough calcium.  Women should be taking calcium/magnesium supplements (with Vitamin D)....  perhaps this is the cause of your leg cramping...

Now, if you do get a leg cramp, STAND ON IT! If you are in bed at night and you don't wish to jump out of bed and stand on that leg, which happens to many people, try flexing the foot.  This will ease off the cramp.

The main point here is to keep your diet balanced...  keep things in proportion and you may see the cramping diminish or disappear all together... GOOD LUCK!

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